As usual.
Weather is good today. And I'd like to ride bicycle but I can't cos' I'm still not so healthy as it could be wanted. Anyway I have spent this day not so bad :D
Firstly I woke up at 9 o'clock. It's not 6 and not 7 :D So I really slept enough today. And it's great :3
Secondly I cooked chicken with carrot and oninon and mashed potatoes :D Mmmm... delicious. I dreamed about creamy mashed potatoes about two weeks :D
Thirdly I did cleaning and ventilated flat very good.
Now my sister's sleeping, mom's watching TV in the other room. And I'm sitting with notebook and thinking about life :)
I still have to write course work. The theme of course work is "The Judiciary and Justice". I wrote about two third. But still can't finish it. Seems I have lost my muse. For me even writing of course works is very hard process :D I have to be in the needed mood and my muse should be with me. Otherwise I can't make me to write and doesn't matter it's urgently or not. I'll have to deliver me course work to institute in 2 weeks. Deadline will be 16th of September. And it seems I'll finish my work at last night before deadline :) As usual. I hope I'll do it.
Today even my funfiction's muse leaved me alone. I wrote noone word. And I don't like what I wrote yesterday. Seems I lost a thread of the narrative and I need a little time for collecting my thoughts in one pile. And seems I couldn't start to write course work again before I'd end this stupid funfic about Lyanna and Rhaegar >_> lol Nothing funny actually. But can do nothing in this case.
I spent so much time in Russian social network. Met a lot of groups with different themes. And found group about Messi and Ronaldo. As usual on the post-USSR space there was a lot of shit, hatred and rage. (Actually this group is created by schoolboy who is mad about Messi, but he (schoolboy) wrote Messi as Mesi >_> Great!). And in general it was opposition of schoolboys who love Real Madrid and schoolboys who love Barcelona (I'm schoolboy wrom the second camp :D Viva Barcelona! Viva Messi! xD). Anyway one boy sent nice video with Barca's game where firstly Barca's training is shown before the game where members of Barcelona are running, falling, screaming, crying, etc. And secondly the game is shown where Barcelona's doing the same :D Without contacts anyway Barcelona's falling, screaming, crying... And again my lovely Dani Alves. My favorite actor :D I looked at the game with Malaga from other side. I'm little upset but... I'm delighted xD They're so funny :D And song from this video is jammed in my playlist (this song :D). Like it very much. Very sadly that I can't find video on YouTube so then it's not a destiny :D (then I have to leave here link to vkontake). And yes, I still love Barcelona :) Maybe even more than before :D
Watched The Help today. Very-very strong and deep movie. I guess my opinion is keen cos' I'm girl. Cried during this movie twice or thrice. Very long and strong. Even felt headache after cos' of crying. And anyway I liked this movie very much. It's awesome and terrible in the same same. It's terrible because it shows relstions between blacks and whites at 60th years. And I thank Good that now it's more better. Actually there is not so much blacks in Belarus. But even here we have people who hate blacks and Chinese or Japanese who moved on our country. Maybe I'm stupid but I never could understand these people.
Suddenly I got Barcelona's t-shirt from season 2006/07 :D This uniform:
It's very nice and quality. I'm in love. And I'm in it already :D Lulu's happy. But I didn't change mind about visiting a shop on Camp Nou in Barcelona for buying t-shirt from present season :D Mimimi :D
Checked flights to Barcelona today again :) It helps me to remember about plans and collect money like good motivation :)
I'll have a lot plans tomorrow. Need to buy new shoes and visit my aunt Tatyana :) And then to go to chose gift for my mom. Her birthday will be at 7th of September. And we (me and my elder sister) still don't know what to present her :( Want to find something special like my mom is. Wanna make her birthday really unusual :) But now it'will be hard to do cos' mom has troubles with her work what makes her upset and what we can't stop (sadly :( ). Anyway... birthday should be happy and funny :) We'll do it :3
At the day after tomorrow I'll go to work :(
P.S. Today is last day of summer. It makes me sad and thoughtful. I had vacation at June, I saw the sea, put my feet in sea water, swam, got tan under Bulgarian sun... but now I'm sitting on the couch looking at Bulgarian plate with picture of Nessebar's view. And I miss it :( Summer is ended and I miss Nessebar. It was the sweetest time of this summer.
суббота, 31 августа 2013 г.
пятница, 30 августа 2013 г.
Last day off what I have got with my sickness. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be two days off too and then will start to work again.
Today I'm spending time with cup of cacao and cookies. Sister has called and said that she'll bring tasty cake what I have wanted for long days :D
Can't make myself to write course work of the Judiciary :) Instead course work I continue to write Game of thrones' funfic >_> Shit happens. But it's the perfect way for relaxing what I have found.
I'm almost ok. Everyday I find something what's aching for long time. But in general it's nothing serious. Everything what I really want it's to start to sleep normally. Last week I have slept really bad, have wake up often at nights. And every day I wake up very early. Like I'm going to go to work... I have supposed that I could sleep enough at this week but at the end I was wrong.
Have looked for new bicycle. And at the end I've become really sure that I want GT Laguna.
Today I'm spending time with cup of cacao and cookies. Sister has called and said that she'll bring tasty cake what I have wanted for long days :D
Can't make myself to write course work of the Judiciary :) Instead course work I continue to write Game of thrones' funfic >_> Shit happens. But it's the perfect way for relaxing what I have found.
I'm almost ok. Everyday I find something what's aching for long time. But in general it's nothing serious. Everything what I really want it's to start to sleep normally. Last week I have slept really bad, have wake up often at nights. And every day I wake up very early. Like I'm going to go to work... I have supposed that I could sleep enough at this week but at the end I was wrong.
Have looked for new bicycle. And at the end I've become really sure that I want GT Laguna.
It's really beautiful and I guess it's very comfortable bicycle. I have tried to ride GT Avalanche and that's all as I said :)
There is the single song in my playlist/ I don't know it. Shazam has said it's "the communication - visions". But google don't find what to say about it. It's very beautiful and little sad piano composition what I can listen for ever.
If be honest I don't wanna come back work :) Ahahah, of course it's nothing strange but really :( I don't want. I never have felt something like now to my work. But now I really hate my work. I respect my chief and I thank him for everything but at the end my work is really terrible. Before I worked another post and I thought I do really stupid work. I wanted to do something more useful. Something more needed. And now I think that doing stupid work it's not the worst what could be in my life >_>
Started to watch "White collar" :D Actually I supposed this serial is about something little different. Supposed it's about lawyers not about FBI and thief O_o But I was wrong again. I have watched one season already. Now I'm watching the second season in the middle. That's what I do instead learning... As usual. I'll do everything to not learn and not work...
P.S.Greetings to Franck Ribery and congratulation for his great dignity :) Poor Messi >_> He's more handsome but not so good as Ribery I guess :)
P.P.S. Miss postcards so much :( Noone came to me at last days :( Wanna burn our post office....
P.P.S. Miss postcards so much :( Noone came to me at last days :( Wanna burn our post office....
среда, 28 августа 2013 г.
Today is Wednesday already. I have known before that my sudden vacation will end sooner as I want. But I haven't thought that it'd be so soon :( In two days weekend will be and at Monday I'll have to back at work. One thing makes me a little more happy. I'll back at 2nd of Semptember. And at 30th of September my exams' session will start :D And I'll leave work for two weeks again :D Wonders happen :D
Strange but today I feel myself worst than before. Before only hight temperature and headaches were. Now I feel pain in a throat and cough is appeared. Seems I've a cold really now :( Hope I'll have enough time for curing before I'll back at work.
Anyway today Barcelona will play with Atletico again. And I don't know - I'll watch it or miss again >_> Game will be showing in Minsk at midnight and I don't know I would be awake at this time :( I think if I'd watch football before sleeping again I'd listen fucking commentator all night again and wake up at morning with terrible headache... But at this game Messi will back after his trauma. And I'm lost. As says in Belarus и хочется, и колется (both eager and it is pricked - I guess it's really bad translation but I don't know how to translate better). So will see later what would be.
Have signed one more postcard for sending it to wonderful Susanne in Germany. It's so sad - I have twenty postcards in transit. And if start to count about thirty my postcards are traveling somewhere.... :( Where are you, pretty postcards? T_T
I have recieved good news yesterday and today Spain is become little closer. One mom's friend offered me to earn little money :D My mom often likes to say me: "When you start to want something money will find you iself" :D Ahahaha. then I'm lucky girl :D
And at the end lovely meow-meow Messi :D I didn't know what to do that's why I mocked Messi again xD He became really cute :D
Strange but today I feel myself worst than before. Before only hight temperature and headaches were. Now I feel pain in a throat and cough is appeared. Seems I've a cold really now :( Hope I'll have enough time for curing before I'll back at work.
Anyway today Barcelona will play with Atletico again. And I don't know - I'll watch it or miss again >_> Game will be showing in Minsk at midnight and I don't know I would be awake at this time :( I think if I'd watch football before sleeping again I'd listen fucking commentator all night again and wake up at morning with terrible headache... But at this game Messi will back after his trauma. And I'm lost. As says in Belarus и хочется, и колется (both eager and it is pricked - I guess it's really bad translation but I don't know how to translate better). So will see later what would be.
Have signed one more postcard for sending it to wonderful Susanne in Germany. It's so sad - I have twenty postcards in transit. And if start to count about thirty my postcards are traveling somewhere.... :( Where are you, pretty postcards? T_T
I have recieved good news yesterday and today Spain is become little closer. One mom's friend offered me to earn little money :D My mom often likes to say me: "When you start to want something money will find you iself" :D Ahahaha. then I'm lucky girl :D
And at the end lovely meow-meow Messi :D I didn't know what to do that's why I mocked Messi again xD He became really cute :D
понедельник, 26 августа 2013 г.
Oh, cos' of this
stupid game I have seen football in my dreams all night long. Can you imagine:
players have run on the field all night in my head and commentator have
screamed in my head too. Very lound and disgusting >_> Have woken up at 4
o'clock at morning... Couldn't sleep again after it. And now I think that
watching football before sleeping it's not good idea. Or maybe it's cos' of I'm
ill and still have high temperature. So doesn't matter.
It was strange game.
If game with Levante have been like mockery of Levante, game with Malaga have
been like Barca's mockery of themselves >_> Looked like Barca have
relaxed too much after Levante's losing. Our Russian commentator have said that
Malaga is weak team. So if they are weak then why have Barca scored only once?
Anyway thanks God play have ended with score in favor of Barca. Because there
was a lot times when Malaga almost scored to Barca's gate.
But about everything
in order. At 26th minute Iniesta have attempted to score in Malaga's gate. It
was really nice trying but Wilfredo
Caballero have caught a ball. I liked him actually. He saved Malaga's gate so
many times from Barca's attacks. But at 44th minute Adriano have scrored and
opened score in Barca's favor. It was single goal during all game.
Was a lot really funny
moments at this game. For example our commentator have said about one moment
when Barca have lost a ball: "And he lost it. Anyway Jordi Alba ran and
bought! Good Jordi!" And it really looked funny :D
At the 57th minute
Pique have tried to score by his back :D Actually I don't know what he have
hoped to do but he really have repulsed ball by back :D And even have seen at
the gate's side - scored or not :D It would be awesome if he'd scored but It
wasn't lucky moment for Pique :D Anyway Pique have jumped so many times at this
game :) And Pique is lucky that he have so high height because Malaga's
footballers couldn't reach out the ball cos' they're lower than Pique :D
At 62th minute Neymar
have come on the field instead Pedro. And poor Neymar have become a vitctim of
a lot attacks from Malaga's footballers. For example, at the 88th minute Jesus
Games have attacked Neymar very agressive O_o Didn't like it >_> I like
unicorns, rainbow and butterflies! :D
Fabregas have lost a
ball often yesterday. And I should say something about Alexis Sanchez. He have
fallen so often! I lost a count after 5 falling... Poor Sanchez :D Seems he has
spent two third of game's time on the grass...
At the second time of
game Dani Alves have come on the field instead Adriano. I can't look at Alves
without laughing. Really dramatic actor dies inside Dani Alves xD He should
leave football and go to theatre or movies :D I guess when his football career
will end he really could start to play in theater xD
At the 67th minute it
was a moment when Malaga really could score: Valdes has leaved the gate and
noone has stopped Malaga to score. But luck was on the Barca's side and attack
ended with nothing.
At this game I liked
more Pique, Adriano and Valdes. A little Iniesta and Alves (he was really funny
xD). Valdes yestreday remembered what means to be a goalkeeper :) He stood idly
in game with Levante, but Malaga was more agressive and persistent than
Now I think what would
be if Messi'd not miss this game? Could the result be better?) Will see what
will be. Hope Messi will back soon and Barca's games would be more effective. Wait
for next game ^^
суббота, 24 августа 2013 г.
Few days ago I came on ficbook. And found interesting request about Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen (The Game of Thrones). Don't know what happened but I started to execute this request O_o And during the second day I'm sitting and writing >_> I think I wanna re-read the books "A song of Ice and Fire". I never thought before that I like these books so much. Now no new book, no new season of TVshow. And it makes me do strange things like writing funfics >_>
Now I sheltered blue parrot. He lives on my commode and talks with a mirror. He's very agressive parrot. Really stupid and agressive. And over loud. I wake up earlier than everyone else in the my flat. And now this monster starts scream every morning at 6 o'clock when I rise from the bed and he makes sister and mom wake up with me >_> And he likes to bite everyone. Once he bite me so much that i felt pain in my finger all day long. He live here almost week. And now I wanna only find a little more patience to survive at next week and don't throw him to window... I think about this everyday :D
Yesterday I cooked a cake O_O (Suddenly!) Yes, Lulu's able to cook :D Cake with funny name - "The counts' ruins". This name reminded me a song from Game of thrones - Rains from Castamere (I like this song so much! And I like to sing it when I take a shower :D Joke! Maybe... :D).
Today I was in attractions' park *_* I felt myself like a little child. I wasn't happy sooo much very long time :D It's amazing feeling when you can back to your childhood for one day and feel yourself fifteen years younger :3
But now I'm sick. Seems I have token cold on the one of attractions at park today. I'm in fire with high temperature of my body. But even this can't stop me to write. So I'll end next part on funfic and will go to sleep. It was loooong day. Happy but very long. I'd like everyone could feel the same happiness as me today right now :)
And I still have to watch Barca's game with Atletico. I didn't do it yet >_>
P.S. I very upset cos' of Messi. I don't know what to think about his going away. Messi will miss the game with Malaga at 25th of August. It sounds not good but I really hope that it's cos' of trauma. If it's truth then I hope that Messi will can be able to come on the field soon and feel himself better. But for me it seems little strange. Barcelona have bought Neymar Jr. He have come on the field. And at the next game Messi have said "I can't play". I hope I'm paranoid and my minds are really stupid and wrong :)
God, save Messi.
Now I sheltered blue parrot. He lives on my commode and talks with a mirror. He's very agressive parrot. Really stupid and agressive. And over loud. I wake up earlier than everyone else in the my flat. And now this monster starts scream every morning at 6 o'clock when I rise from the bed and he makes sister and mom wake up with me >_> And he likes to bite everyone. Once he bite me so much that i felt pain in my finger all day long. He live here almost week. And now I wanna only find a little more patience to survive at next week and don't throw him to window... I think about this everyday :D
Yesterday I cooked a cake O_O (Suddenly!) Yes, Lulu's able to cook :D Cake with funny name - "The counts' ruins". This name reminded me a song from Game of thrones - Rains from Castamere (I like this song so much! And I like to sing it when I take a shower :D Joke! Maybe... :D).
Today I was in attractions' park *_* I felt myself like a little child. I wasn't happy sooo much very long time :D It's amazing feeling when you can back to your childhood for one day and feel yourself fifteen years younger :3
But now I'm sick. Seems I have token cold on the one of attractions at park today. I'm in fire with high temperature of my body. But even this can't stop me to write. So I'll end next part on funfic and will go to sleep. It was loooong day. Happy but very long. I'd like everyone could feel the same happiness as me today right now :)
And I still have to watch Barca's game with Atletico. I didn't do it yet >_>
P.S. I very upset cos' of Messi. I don't know what to think about his going away. Messi will miss the game with Malaga at 25th of August. It sounds not good but I really hope that it's cos' of trauma. If it's truth then I hope that Messi will can be able to come on the field soon and feel himself better. But for me it seems little strange. Barcelona have bought Neymar Jr. He have come on the field. And at the next game Messi have said "I can't play". I hope I'm paranoid and my minds are really stupid and wrong :)
God, save Messi.
среда, 21 августа 2013 г.
Text what's didecated to postcards :D At last week I recieved few really amazing postcards what made me to be happy.
At the first it's postcard from Belarus. From wonderful Tatiana. She wished me to go to Barcelona as I want and sent me wonderful postcard for colorful motivation :D Now I think to put it in beautiful frame for standing it on my table at home :)
Again I recieved one more postcard from Russia (last time I always get only Russian addresses :( Is there only Russians in postcrossing now?). It's really amazing postcard. And I fell inlove with it as my mom and sister :D
At the first it's postcard from Belarus. From wonderful Tatiana. She wished me to go to Barcelona as I want and sent me wonderful postcard for colorful motivation :D Now I think to put it in beautiful frame for standing it on my table at home :)
Then I recieved my first postcard from Esrael. It's funny but on the postcard was printed text on Russian :) It made me to be surprised.
Again I recieved one more postcard from Russia (last time I always get only Russian addresses :( Is there only Russians in postcrossing now?). It's really amazing postcard. And I fell inlove with it as my mom and sister :D
Also I recieved beautiful postcard from China, two postards from Germany and romantic postcard from France ^_^
вторник, 20 августа 2013 г.
Today I finally ended to watch game Barca against Levante.
This match has caused me to feel really conflicting emotions. On one side it's great that Barca won. But it looked like big guys hurted little schoolboys. Count 7:0 in favor of Barcelona.
Messi made me laught at that game. He was killing machine :D At the first he gored goalkeeper of Levante. Poor Navas fell down on his back. Seemed it was really painful :( At the second time Messi did golden strike at Rodas's head when he (Messi) beat penal. I pity Levante's guys but it was really funny.
At second time Neymar Jr. came on the field instead Sanchez. And I didn't understand why Barca bought him. He not only didn't nothing really good but even made a few mistakes and got yellow card cos' of incident with 12th number of Levante (Garcia?). Of course, maybe it was as it was because Martino produced Neymar only at the second time nearly to the end. And almost all time Messi was on the field. Or maybe because Neymar wasn't accustomed to Barca, cos' it was his first game. Will see. I can't judge because I understand nothing in football except handsome guys :D But today he really looked like lost boy who didn't understand where he's and what he had to do. I didn't like Neymar yet. Maybe something will change later. After Barsa vs Atletico de Madrid for example :)
Count was opened by Sanchez on the 3rd minute of match. And it was beat into free gate... Actually I didn't understand how it happened. Also I didn't understand and last goal from Pedro :D Almost all first time looked like Barca's kidding Levante. Six goals were scored at first time. And only at the end on second time Pedro scored last goal on 73th minute of game.
Of course, Messi scored two goals. Ahahaha, how can Barca without Messi's goals?) The first goal was on 12th minute, the second was on the 42th minutes by penalty.
Also Pedro did two goals like Messi. The first was on 26th minute, the second - on 73th (as I wrote before).
Sanchez scored on 3d minute, Dani Alves scored on the 24th minute, Xavi - on the 45th.
Was few times when fighting was really intense. Few times the ball flew at arm's length from the Levante's gate. But at the end almost all game was passed on the Levante's side. Only once ball flew on Barca's gate and Valdes had a chance to remind team that he's here :) And of course penalty was useless.
At the end I can say that I liked very much in this game Pedro, Pique, Messi, Fabregas, Xavi, Sanches.
Wait for game between Barca and Atletico de Madrid :3
This match has caused me to feel really conflicting emotions. On one side it's great that Barca won. But it looked like big guys hurted little schoolboys. Count 7:0 in favor of Barcelona.
Messi made me laught at that game. He was killing machine :D At the first he gored goalkeeper of Levante. Poor Navas fell down on his back. Seemed it was really painful :( At the second time Messi did golden strike at Rodas's head when he (Messi) beat penal. I pity Levante's guys but it was really funny.
At second time Neymar Jr. came on the field instead Sanchez. And I didn't understand why Barca bought him. He not only didn't nothing really good but even made a few mistakes and got yellow card cos' of incident with 12th number of Levante (Garcia?). Of course, maybe it was as it was because Martino produced Neymar only at the second time nearly to the end. And almost all time Messi was on the field. Or maybe because Neymar wasn't accustomed to Barca, cos' it was his first game. Will see. I can't judge because I understand nothing in football except handsome guys :D But today he really looked like lost boy who didn't understand where he's and what he had to do. I didn't like Neymar yet. Maybe something will change later. After Barsa vs Atletico de Madrid for example :)
Count was opened by Sanchez on the 3rd minute of match. And it was beat into free gate... Actually I didn't understand how it happened. Also I didn't understand and last goal from Pedro :D Almost all first time looked like Barca's kidding Levante. Six goals were scored at first time. And only at the end on second time Pedro scored last goal on 73th minute of game.
Of course, Messi scored two goals. Ahahaha, how can Barca without Messi's goals?) The first goal was on 12th minute, the second was on the 42th minutes by penalty.
Also Pedro did two goals like Messi. The first was on 26th minute, the second - on 73th (as I wrote before).
Sanchez scored on 3d minute, Dani Alves scored on the 24th minute, Xavi - on the 45th.
Was few times when fighting was really intense. Few times the ball flew at arm's length from the Levante's gate. But at the end almost all game was passed on the Levante's side. Only once ball flew on Barca's gate and Valdes had a chance to remind team that he's here :) And of course penalty was useless.
At the end I can say that I liked very much in this game Pedro, Pique, Messi, Fabregas, Xavi, Sanches.
Wait for game between Barca and Atletico de Madrid :3
As beginner lover of Barcelona I had enoough time for starting to love cute David Villa. And it's really sad for me that he moved on "Atletico de Madrid". I will miss him on Camp Nou and other Barca's games. Firt goal of Barca what I have seen it was Villa's goal.
So and Villa was one of not many people from Barca who I rememberd at first time :D Now I should remember new surname. It's not fair!
So and Villa was one of not many people from Barca who I rememberd at first time :D Now I should remember new surname. It's not fair!
And first message should be about me :) I need to introduce myself. So... let's start.
My name is Lyubov (It's great name. In my native language it means 'love' and it's cool :D). Or just Lulu. I'm 23 years old. I work in the state organization what have business with service and repairing housing. Here I should say that I'm not builder :D I do judicial work. For example I have business with treaties between my organization and other orgaizations what do for us construction projects. And any more else in this way. Actually it's not so interesting for stopping here :)
Except work I spend my time with riding bicycle. Here I should stop and add some words about my riding obsession :D I bought bicycle not a long time ago (one month ago if be more precisely ^^). I never rode bicycle before. Now I'm mad about it. But like to ride alone. Because when I ride with someone it becomes hard to keep attention. And once I had painful incident cos' of it :D
Anyway I like traviling (as everyone writes in profiles around the world). Of course I do! Never saw man who doesn't like to recognize new places. But I was only in Russia and Ukraine before (my mother is from Russia and my father is from Ukraine). But this year I started my mission to take over the word :D Was joke of course :) But at June I visited Bulgaria at first time and I plan to visit Spain and Italy in the nearest time :) And I don't think that it'll be the end of traveling :)
I like to read. Yes, I really like to read. It's my curse. I can't stop and read everything. Sometimes it really doesn't matter what to read cos' of reading process is the main thing :) I like to read fantasy or detectives. And I like books what make me to think about a lot of things. I meet books like that very rarely :( And I can't read books like Nietzsche or Freud beacuse it seems like my mind is not for books like that... but it doesn't make me really sad :D Everyone can't be geniuses :D
I like to swim. I'm mad about swimming. I like water. Especially salty sea water. I like seas. I grown up on the seaside of the Azov sea. Cos' of it I don't like lakes and rivers' water >_>
Like to chat in facebook. I like to recogniz new people. Sometimes I meet really interesting people.
I'm member of postcrossing. I like to exchange postcards with different people around the world, it's one of the perfect ways to meet new people with who you'd have common interest :) And I like beautiful postcards of course :) I wanna do a great postcards' wall in my flat :D One day... ;)
I like cooking very much. I guess cooking is the good way to keep calm or relax. I like fragrant spices and I like to use they in my dishes.
I like apples and peaches. It's my obsession at this summer :D Last summer I liked bananas and watermelon :D
Not a long lime ago I started to like football. And I started with FC Barcelona and Spanish Primera :)
And at the end I should say what I do here :)
I created this blog for keeping any minds about everything what happens around me, for dreaming sometimes, making plans, for keeping opinions about everything. As says here in Belarus "обо всём и ни о чём". If translate verbatim - about everything and nothing :) I can say only that I created this blog for English practice at the firs time. It's main reason. At the second time I created it beacuse I'm lazy and I never will write in paper diary. But I think that diary is good way for keeping memories. Someday it could remind me about who I was when I was young :)
And if someone would read it I warn - here you can find girl's vision to football. I guess my vision is the different with men's vision. I just write what I think. And if be really honest... I don't know all football's rules yet :D So you can imagine...
Anyway, welcome, Lulu, to your own world with you, your Asus and lovely Barcelona.
My name is Lyubov (It's great name. In my native language it means 'love' and it's cool :D). Or just Lulu. I'm 23 years old. I work in the state organization what have business with service and repairing housing. Here I should say that I'm not builder :D I do judicial work. For example I have business with treaties between my organization and other orgaizations what do for us construction projects. And any more else in this way. Actually it's not so interesting for stopping here :)
Except work I spend my time with riding bicycle. Here I should stop and add some words about my riding obsession :D I bought bicycle not a long time ago (one month ago if be more precisely ^^). I never rode bicycle before. Now I'm mad about it. But like to ride alone. Because when I ride with someone it becomes hard to keep attention. And once I had painful incident cos' of it :D
Anyway I like traviling (as everyone writes in profiles around the world). Of course I do! Never saw man who doesn't like to recognize new places. But I was only in Russia and Ukraine before (my mother is from Russia and my father is from Ukraine). But this year I started my mission to take over the word :D Was joke of course :) But at June I visited Bulgaria at first time and I plan to visit Spain and Italy in the nearest time :) And I don't think that it'll be the end of traveling :)
I like to read. Yes, I really like to read. It's my curse. I can't stop and read everything. Sometimes it really doesn't matter what to read cos' of reading process is the main thing :) I like to read fantasy or detectives. And I like books what make me to think about a lot of things. I meet books like that very rarely :( And I can't read books like Nietzsche or Freud beacuse it seems like my mind is not for books like that... but it doesn't make me really sad :D Everyone can't be geniuses :D
I like to swim. I'm mad about swimming. I like water. Especially salty sea water. I like seas. I grown up on the seaside of the Azov sea. Cos' of it I don't like lakes and rivers' water >_>
Like to chat in facebook. I like to recogniz new people. Sometimes I meet really interesting people.
I'm member of postcrossing. I like to exchange postcards with different people around the world, it's one of the perfect ways to meet new people with who you'd have common interest :) And I like beautiful postcards of course :) I wanna do a great postcards' wall in my flat :D One day... ;)
I like cooking very much. I guess cooking is the good way to keep calm or relax. I like fragrant spices and I like to use they in my dishes.
I like apples and peaches. It's my obsession at this summer :D Last summer I liked bananas and watermelon :D
Not a long lime ago I started to like football. And I started with FC Barcelona and Spanish Primera :)
And at the end I should say what I do here :)
I created this blog for keeping any minds about everything what happens around me, for dreaming sometimes, making plans, for keeping opinions about everything. As says here in Belarus "обо всём и ни о чём". If translate verbatim - about everything and nothing :) I can say only that I created this blog for English practice at the firs time. It's main reason. At the second time I created it beacuse I'm lazy and I never will write in paper diary. But I think that diary is good way for keeping memories. Someday it could remind me about who I was when I was young :)
And if someone would read it I warn - here you can find girl's vision to football. I guess my vision is the different with men's vision. I just write what I think. And if be really honest... I don't know all football's rules yet :D So you can imagine...
Anyway, welcome, Lulu, to your own world with you, your Asus and lovely Barcelona.
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